
Encuentro RedBioLAC

List of Events

Date6–10 November 2017
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Organizer: RedBioLAC
Contact: Mariela Pino
Industry Sector: Biogas
GMI co-sponsored Encuentro RedBioLAC in Buenos Aires, Argentina from 6-10 November 2017. RedBioLAC is a network of organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean conducting biogas research, development, and implementation to promote sound natural resource management and socio-economic development. The event included two days of training, a site visit to a digester at a wastewater treatment facility, and a three-day congress including presentations, discussion, and networking opportunities.

Event Resources

Resource ImageResourceYear
EncuentroEncuentro RedBioLAC Agenda (Spanish)
(PDF, 340.2 KB, 1p)
IniciativaIniciativa Global de Metano (2017, Spanish)
(PDF, 5.7 MB, 17pp)