
IndoWater 2014 Expo and Forum

List of Events

Date7–9 May 2014
Location: Surabaya, Indonesia
Industry Sector: Wastewater
This event will bring together over 6,000 delegates and buyers to examine the latest issues from municipality water, sewerage, wastewater treatment, waste industrial technology and also new and renewable energy under one roof. The Expo will showcase over 250 exhibitors from 25 countries on the latest solutions and technologies for municipality water, sewerage, waste management and renewable energy technology.

Organized By: National Agency for Water Supply System Development; The Ministry of Industry; The Ministry of Trade and Indonesian Exhibition Companies Association (IECA)

Contact: PT. Napindo Media Ashatama
Jl. Kelapa Sawit XIV Blok M1 No. 10
Kompleks Billy & Moon, Pondok Kelapa
Jakarta 13450, Indonesia
Tel: +62-21 8650962, 8644756, 8644785
Fax: +62-21 865 0963
E-mail: info@indowater.com

Website: http://www.indowater.com/index.php Exiting GMI