Creating Viable Landfill Gas to Energy Projects in Latin America

Municipal Solid Waste

2 June 2010

Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Event Details: This workshop covered the basics of landfill methane energy project planning, design, and financing, and discussion of opportunities for landfill methane capture and use in Latin America. Whether you are a landfill owner or manager, government official, project developer, or potential project financier, you came away with a greater understanding of how landfill methane energy projects are developed as well as specific project models and project opportunities from across the region. This one day workshop was held on June 2nd immediately following the ISWA Beacon Conference in Buenos Aires.

English (PDF, 2 pp, 122 KB)
Portuguese (PDF, 3 pp, 751 KB)
Spanish (PDF, 3 pp, 752 KB)

Overview of Latin American Countries Solid Waste Sector (PDF, 19 pp, 1.2 MB)
Horacio Terraza, IADB

Overview of Latin American Countries Solid Waste Sector (PDF, 33 pp, 2.5 MB)
Pablo Mesa, Secretariat of Environment and Sustainability

Landfill Operations Basics (PDF, 39 pp, 4.1 MB)
James Law, SCS Engineers

Overview of Gas Collection and Control System (PDF, 25 pp, 1.3 MB)
Juan Pablo Weihs, Asociación para el Estudio de los Residuos Sólidos (ARS)

LFG Energy Project Types: Electricity, Direct Use and High Btu (PDF, 25 pp, 500 KB)
Jim Michelsen, SCS Engineers

Landfill Biogas Project Planning and Overall Project Considerations (PDF, 20 pp, 407 KB)
Tom Frankiewicz, United States Environmental Protection Agency

LFG Electricity Projects in São Paulo (PDF, 24 pp, 1.3 MB)
Manuel Romero De La Iglesia, Secretaria do Verde e do Meio Ambiente, Prefeitura Municipal de Sao Paulo

United States LFG Direct Use Case Study (PDF, 24 pp, 3.7 MB)
Bill Cummings, Kimberly-Clark Corporation

LFG-Fueled Medical Waste Incinerator at Olavarria Landfill (PDF, 18 pp, 908 KB)
Estela Santalla, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNCPBA)

LFG-Fueled Infrared Heater at Escobar Landfill (PDF, 11 pp, 1.1 MB)
Fabrio Chiarbonello, Transportes Olivos

Leachate Evaporator, El Verde Landfill in León Guanajuato, México (PDF, 14 pp, 1.7 MB)
Alfonso Martínez Muñoz, Promotora Ambiental S.A. (PASA)

High BTU Project, La Farfana Waste Water Treatment Facility in Santiago, Chile (PDF, 45 pp, 4.5 MB)
Ian Nelson, Metrogas

Landfill Energy Project Economics, Financing And Selected Incentives (PDF, 99 pp, 10.8 MB)
Jose Henrique Penido Monteiro

Industry Sector: Municipal Solid Waste

Event Resources

Coordinación General para la Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos (CGGIRSU) (Spanish)
(PDF, 3.2 MB, 33pp)
High BTU Project, La Farfana Waste Water Treatment Facility in Santiago, Chile (Spanish)
(PDF, 4.5 MB, 45pp)
Landfill Energy Project Economics, Financing And Selected Incentives (Spanish)
(PDF, 5 MB, 99pp)
Landfill Operations Basics (Spanish)
(PDF, 4.6 MB, 39pp)
Leachate Evaporator, El Verde Landfill in León Guanajuato, México (Spanish)
(PDF, 2 MB, 14pp)
LFG Electricity Projects in São Paulo (Spanish)
(PDF, 1.3 MB, 24pp)
LFG Energy Project Types: Electricity, Direct Use and High Btu (Spanish)
(PDF, 818.8 KB, 25pp)
LFG-Fueled Infrared Heater at Escobar Landfill (Spanish)
(PDF, 1.3 MB, 11pp)
LFG-Fueled Medical Waste Incinerator at Olavarria Landfill (Spanish)
(PDF, 929.4 KB, 18pp)
Lineamientos Estratégicos para el Sector de Residuos Sólidos Municipales (RSM) del BID (Spanish)
(PDF, 1.3 MB, 19pp)
Overview of Gas Collection and Control System (Spanish)
(PDF, 1.4 MB, 25pp)
United States LFG Direct Use Case Study (Spanish)
(PDF, 3.8 MB, 24pp)


Creating Viable Landfill Gas to Energy Projects in Latin America Agenda
(PDF, 162.7 KB, 2pp)
Creating Viable Landfill Gas to Energy Projects in Latin America Agenda (Portuguese)
(PDF, 168.2 KB, 3pp)
Creating Viable Landfill Gas to Energy Projects in Latin America Agenda (Spanish)
(PDF, 166 KB, 3pp)

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