Global Methane Initiative Side Event UNFCCC 16TH Conference of the Parties

Coal Mines

8 December 2010

Location: Cancun, Mexico

Event Details: This event highlighted the successes of GMI Partner Countries and Project Network Members. Featured countries include Mexico, Brazil, Canada, and the US. Project Network Members will discussed methane mitigation projects in Agriculture, Oil and Gas, Coal Mines, and Landfills.

Hosted by: SEMARNAT

Agenda: English (PDF, 20 pp, 149 KB) | Spanish (PDF, 2 pp, 184 KB)

The Global Methane Initiative (PDF, 14 pp, 784 KB)

Partner Country Success Round Table

Mexico (PDF, 11 pp, 540 KB)
Brazil (PDF, 7 pp, 314 KB)
United States (PDF, 11 pp, 1.6 MB)

Private Sector Involvement Round Table

Oil and Gas – PEMEX Reduction of Fugitive Emissions (PDF, 11 pp, 150 KB)
Coal Mine – Ventilation Air Methane (VAM) (PDF, 32 pp, 1.6 MB)
Landfills – Cancun Biodigester Project (PDF, 12 pp, 423 KB)
Agriculture – Mexican Biodigester Projects (PDF, 15 pp, 1.2 MB)

Industry Sector: Coal Mines, Oil and Gas, Steering, Agriculture, Municipal Solid Waste

Event Resources

The Global Methane Initiative
(PDF, 802.7 KB, 14pp)
Agriculture – Mexican Biodigester Projects (Spanish)
(PDF, 1.3 MB, 15pp)
Coal Mine – Ventilation Air Methane (VAM)
(PDF, 1.7 MB, 32pp)
Landfills – Cancun Biodigester Project
(PDF, 432.9 KB, 12pp)
Oil and Gas – PEMEX Reduction of Fugitive Emissions (Spanish)
(PDF, 153.2 KB, 11pp)
Partner Country Success Round Table (Mexico)
(PDF, 553 KB, 11pp)
São Paulo: Emissions of GHG - 2005
(PDF, 321.9 KB, 7pp)
US Support of the Global Methane Initiative
(PDF, 1.7 MB, 11pp)


GlobalTH Conference of the Parties Agenda/>
Global Methane Initiative Side Event UNFCCC 16TH Conference of the Parties Agenda
(PDF, 28 KB, 20pp)
GMI Steering Committee Meeting Agenda (December 2010, Spanish)
(PDF, 22.1 KB, 2pp)

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