Municipal Solid Waste

LFG Methane a Clean Energy Source Workshop

List of Events

Date17 August 2010
Location: La Plata, Prov. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Industry Sector: Municipal Solid Waste
The goal of the workshop was to give training on the basics of sanitary landfill, landfill gas and landfill gas to energy projects to technicians of different sectors of the environmental agency of the Province of Buenos Aires, the Organismo Provincial para el Desarrollo Sostenible (OPDS). The audience included technicians of the waste and climate change sectors of the agency and personnel responsible of solid waste of several municipalities in the Province of Buenos Aires.

Agenda: Agenda (PDF) (1 p, 99K) Español

• M2M Overview_OPDS Training (PDF) (15 pp, 694K) Español
• Fundamentos sobre los RS (PDF) (30 pp, 2.7MB ) Español
• Conceptos básicos sobre Biogás (PDF) (27 pp, 840K) Español
• Opciones de proyectos LFGE OPDS (PDF) (19 pp, 737K) Español

Event Resources

Resource ImageResourceYear
ConceptosConceptos básicos sobre Biogás (Spanish)
(PDF, 864.2 KB, 27pp)
FundamentosFundamentos sobre los RS (Spanish)
(PDF, 2.8 MB, 30pp)
M2MM2M Overview_OPDS Training (Spanish)
(PDF, 710.4 KB, 15pp)
OpcionesOpciones de proyectos LFGE OPDS (Spanish)
(PDF, 754.5 KB, 19pp)
LFGLFG Methane a Clean Energy Source Workshop Agenda (Spanish)
(PDF, 101.5 KB, 1p)