Oil and Gas

PetroEcuador Gas Capture & Utilization Conference

List of Events

Date10 January 2007
Location: Quito, Ecuador
Industry Sector: Oil and Gas
On January 10th Petroecuador coordinated a one day CDM workshop to discuss opportunities of gas utilization that could be supported by the Clean Development Mechanism. The event was opened by the Executive President of Petroecuador, Mr. Galo Chiriboga ,and served as an opportunity to announce the endorsement of the Voluntary Standard by Petroecuador and the Ministries of Energy and Environment. Around 45 people attended the event.

Hosted By: The Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership, World Bank,Ecuador Ministry of Environment and Petro Ecuador

For More Information: http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTOGMC/ EXTGGFR/0,,contentMDK:21202046~menuPK:2859473~pagePK: 64168445~piPK:64168309~theSite PK:578069,00.htmlExiting GMI